CRC Meat Quality tests
Fig. 11 presents the CRC Shear Force results. The Shear Force is the amount of force required to shear a piece of steak. The higher the force, the tougher the meat. It can be seen that Belmonts rated very favourably when compared to temperate breeds.
Taste Panel test rated meat from Belmont’s significantly more tender than that of Shorthorn, Brahman, and Brahman x Shorthorn steers raised in the Kimberley and slaughtered in Perth.
CRC Meat Quality tests
The higher the Meat Quality Score is, the more desirable the beef is. From figs. 11 a,b,& c it can be seen that the beef from all breeds fi nished on Northern Pasture and Northern Feedlots have lower scores than those from Southern Feedlots. While the Angus is the most consistent breed for Meat Quality, the Belmont compares very favourably to all the other breeds in all three environments.
Marbling (IMF %)
“CRC” Figs. 12 a,b,c show the Intra Muscular Fat percentage (IMF%) for breeds in three environments. Intra Muscular Fat % (IMF%) is an accurate measure of marbling. Under Northern Pasture and Feedlot conditions, Belmonts had the best marbling and surpassed even the Angus.
“Narayen Graduate” (Pictured below). Of all breeds tested (Angus, Hereford, Shorthorn, Charolaise, Limousin, Santa Gertrudis, Brahman), in the CRC I, “Graduate” was the only sire to have High Marbling ( 2nd for marbling), High carcase yield, very Tender meat, and marbling score of 2 & 3 off grass and grain in the North and South (Armidale). His progeny were unique having high marbling but low fat cover, thus producing high yielding carcases.