SEI130061, This sire has been the most influential sire we have had. His high fertility and great carcase traits along with above average growth made him a must have. A moderate framed high yielding bull he has passed this on to his many daughters in our herd. 61 is the most represented sire in the list of bulls sold.
TRE140173, A homozygous polled sire that was purchased for his carcase shape more than his EBV chart. 173 left his stamp on all his progeny. His sons sold well through the sale ring. We have retained his sons and semen for sold sires.
Animal: TRE140173 TREMERE 140173
MTE190074, We purchased 74 from the 5 star Senepol sale in 2020. His carcase yield and growth were what attracted us and the chance to add some different genetics. He has not disappointed, one of the leading carcase bulls at the 2023 sale was a son of 74’s.
Animal: MTE190074 MT EUGENE 190074
Identifier: MTE190074
Sex: Male
Tattoo: 0074
Birth Date: 18/09/2018
Calving Year: 2019
Grade: Pure BR
Poll Test: Heterozygous Polled (HPc)
Breed Composition(>=1% rounded): BR 41% SE 25% BJ 19% TI 8% BB 4% OO 2% CC 2%
Progeny: [45 - View] [View by Herd]
MTE190700 AI, 700’s sire MTE930249 came up trumps in the Beef CRC trail done in the 90’s for fertility and marbling. 700 has added extra thickness to his calves. We have used two of his sons as yearling sire for their low birthweight and fertility.
Animal: MTE190700 MT EUGENE 190700 (AI)
Animal: RJS210111 WAHROONGA 210111
Animal: RJS210143 WAHROONGA 210143
Animal: RJS200091 WAHROONGA 200091
RJS190065, A son of SEI130061, we used 65 as a yearling over mature breeders and has been used every year since. Recording of his progeny has improved 65’s EBV’s across all traits he now boasts a Self-Replacing Index of $72 and Days to Calving EBV of -5.7`which sits him in the top 10% of the breed.
Animal: RJS190065 WAHROONGA 190065
RJS200107, A homozygous polled bull that is the most docile animal we own. His length, depth and thickness are a standout. One of the higher growth bulls we use he still has great carcase traits and good fertility. A Self Replacing Index of $56 well above the average.
Animal: RJS200107 WAHROONGA 200107
Sire: SEI140171 SEIFERT 140171
RJS210125, A SEI130061 son and the dam is a trusty Corymbia cow. A strongly polled head this bull weighs despite his modeate frame. 125 is a Low birthweight bull that has great fertility and Carcase EBV’s. A Self-Replacing Index of $56 places him in the top 20%.
Animal: RJS210125 WAHROONGA 210125
RJS200063, 63 was the outstanding yearling bull by TRE140173, I used him for two years and sold him before we started recording his progeny, which have seen his EBV’s rise. He now has a Self-Replacing Index of $52, we expect this to continue to rise over the years. Thankfully we retained some semen and will use 63 in coming AI programs. 200063 has sons in the sale draft for this year.
Animal: RJS200063 WAHROONGA 200063
Sire: TRE140173 TREMERE 140173
RJS230053, This photo of 53 is straight after he was taken out of 60 yearling heifers. Sired by RJS200063 and is the first male calf of RJS170026 which is our highest ranked cow with a Self-Replacing index $88 and a Days to Calving EBV of -11.2, he has been retained for his fertility traits. A Self Replacing Index of $70 suggests he will have an impact over the years.
Animal: RJS200063 WAHROONGA 200063
RJS230083, A 200107 son, 83 was used over 1st calvers and went to work immediately. A homozygous polled bull with great growth and good fertility. He was one of the standout yearlings and an obvious choice to use him.
Animal: RJS230083 WAHROONGA 230083
RJS230065, Another 200063 son we are keeping and from a solid performing cow. This calf will impact our herd with his high growth and appearance. He passed a semen test as a yearling though was not required to work. He will be used over a line of very fertile female next season.
Animal: RJS230065 WAHROONGA 230065
Animal: TRE210675 TREMERE 210675
Sire: TRE160051 TREMERE 160051