In 2024 we will again sell bulls again at CQLX Gracemere as part of the Belmont Red Association of Australia Annual Bull and Female. This years sale held on Monday the 2nd of September at 11am.
We are aiming to take 30 rising two year old bulls.
Nearly all the data has been collected and submitted to BREEDPLAN for evaluation. We have also had our 2023 drop of calves evaluated in the Northern Genomics project with results available shortly.
Semen morphology testing was carried out earlier than usual this year at 14-15 months of age. Over 90% passed with a score over 70% normal semen, the retests will take place in late May.
Vaccinations are about to start so the bulls will line up with when most carry out pregnancy testing and breeder herd boosters. they are covered for Vibrio, Pestivirus, Botulism, 7-1 and a BEF booster.
All bulls were on pellets from Williams Stockfeeds for a four month period leading up to carcase scanning. After we made our selections for the sale, 60 private sale bulls were put on pasture.
We have 35 bulls set aside for the sale they are still on pellets out in a paddock moving around, we believe they should always be out eating grass and mobile. We say our bulls are prepared for life, not just one day of it.